The Bread Loaf View Farm story begins with Churchill and Janet Franklin, and their desire to find a family retreat close to their alma mater, Middlebury College. Focusing the search close to campus, the family found a spectacular property rich in natural landscape, mountain views and tradition. When they bought the property in 2001, they also inherited a beautiful, healthy 30 acre sugarbush steeped in Vermont history.
It seemed a natural progression then to turn to two Vermont natives with generations of Maple Sugaring knowledge for guidance on how to maintain, protect, harvest the sap from this bountiful sugarbush.
In 2006, the first taps and buckets were installed; they looked beautiful! That year, with the help of Kenn Hastings and Dean Rubright, the sap traveled to Peter Smith's farm in nearby Addison to be boiled into the first crop of maple syrup. Today, those buckets are no longer in use but some are hung falsely to continue to conjecture up images of Vermont traditions for all who visit the farm. And hauling buckets as anyone who has done it knows, is not the most efficient method for harvesting sap!
Over the next two years, tubing was added to the lower woods to increase production and quality. Buckets were phased out in 2012 along with the hard work it entailed to gather the sap.
Increased production facilitated an improved sugar making operation, so after careful consideration and much research, a state-of-the-art CDL evaporator and a reverse osmosis machine made their way to Bread Loaf View Farm. Using reclaimed wood from two former working barns in Addison, VT, a fantastic sugar house emerged blending Vermont tradition with technological innovation.
Today, Bread Loaf View Farm prides itself not only on the care and quality that goes into our products, but also on excellent customer service and community experiences we offer. We hope your experience both in Cornwall and online is a pleasurable one and that when you receive your order you get to experience Vermont through your tastebuds.