Bread Loaf View Farm
Maple Syrup 500ml
We shouldn't pick favorites, but we do anyway. We use our 500ml for everyday use. Easily refillable from larger bottles and takes up just the right amount of space in the fridge and on the table. We stock extras in the pantry to bring around town as hostess gifts.
Always available in Amber Rich and Dark Robust flavors. Please email us if you'd like to place an order for a different flavor.
🏅 All of our maple grades have won blue ribbons Addison County Fair and Field Days 🏅
Golden Delicate Best of Show 2017⎪Dark Robust Best of Show 2017
Golden Delicate Best of Class 2016⎪Amber Rich Best of Class 2011, 2008⎪Dark Robust Best of Class 2016, 2011⎪Very Dark Strong Best of Show 2016, Best of Class 2008
Confused? Check out our Grades of Maple explanation here.
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