Pure Vermont Maple Syrup from Bread Loaf View Farm
Be advised that our inventory is very low and we may not have what you want at the moment. Very soon we expect to be ready to tap the trees and begin the process all over again. You can expect a full line of products then. Thanks for supporting the farm this past year. Feel free to reach out with any questions or requests. Mark your calendar for March 22 & 23 to attend the statewide Maple Open House weekend. Our doors will be open, so come see how we make the Green Mountain Gold. We’ll be offering up Speeder and Earl’s Maple French Roast coffee and maple cream donuts for your enjoyment.
Are you looking for the best Vermont maple syrup and maple specialties made fresh using traditional, earth-friendly harvesting methods? We combine time honored traditional practices with cutting edge technology to guarantee you the richest, most delicious and nutrient-dense maple syrup you've ever had!
Bread Loaf View Farm 100% Pure Vermont maple syrup is exclusively sourced and produced from Vermont maple trees. Specifically designed to appeal to the traditional maple syrup connoisseur who seeks the very best Vermont maple syrup, Bread Loaf View Farm gives consumers what they want: Vermont authenticity.